Bio Hack Yourself

This is a term that is going to become more familiar in the near future. Many people have awakened to the fact that chemicals are not working in their body or giving them too many side effects. Energy medicine or bio-energetic medicine on the other hand when utilized correctly has no side effects. We have been working in bio-energetic medicine for over two decades and have seen miraculous results. People that western medicine said there was no hope and had given up on, we helped them heal. If you first understand that we are a electro-chemical being and most systems ignore that first part then how are you going to get to the root cause and completely heal. Yes, you can take a chemical and manage the issue but really heal? Most time in the long term the answer is no. So before you really jump on that chemical boat or even worse decide to become bionic and not have parts that you were divinely created with take a serious look at energetic health assessment (we recommend the Biopulsar Reflexograph) and then go bio hack yourself with the latest PEMF system. Check out this web site; for more information and examples of the results even for your animals.